Case Study

Developing ConRods and Spindles for the World's Largest Manufacturer of Heavy Equipment, Power Solutions, and Locomotives.


Viyoma was entrusted with the task of developing high-precision ConRods and Spindles within demanding timelines for an OEM known to have over 13% market share in the heavy equipment sector. Through our exceptional dedication and expertise, Viyoma not only met the challenging deadlines but also delivered outstanding quality, leading to accolades from the OEM client.

ConRod Development

Challenging Timeline: Viyoma was given a tight deadline of 30 days to develop ConRods. Despite the time constraint, Viyoma's team put forth their best efforts to deliver results promptly.

Early Submission: Leveraging our efficient production processes and expertise, Viyoma completed the ConRods samples in less than 30 days and submitted them for approval. The accelerated development ensured that the project stayed on track.

High Accuracy and Acceptance: The samples developed by Viyoma demonstrated exceptional accuracy, meeting the stringent requirements of the OEM client.

Scaling Production: Viyoma efficiently supplied over 50,000 ConRods in a year. The ability to consistently deliver high-quality components in significant volumes showcased Viyoma's manufacturing prowess.

Spindle Development

Complex Requirements: Viyoma undertook the development of Spindles, specifically the Rear Wheel Axle for Dumpers. This component presented significant challenges due to its length of 1,100 mm and weight of 450 kg. Achieving high precision and meeting tight tolerances were critical for its successful implementation.

Exceptional Perpendicularity: Viyoma's engineering team successfully developed the Spindles with a remarkable perpendicularity of 5 microns. This level of precision ensured optimal performance and alignment in the Dumper's operation.

Consistent Quality: Viyoma's commitment to maintaining high quality was acknowledged by the client. The Spindles supplied by Viyoma consistently met the tight tolerance requirement of 38 microns, ensuring reliability and customer satisfaction.


This case study exemplifies Viyoma's commitment to customer satisfaction, innovation, and reliability, positioning us as a trusted partner in the CNC manufacturing industry.

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